> Home > Immigration > Skilled Immigration > Provincial Programs > Through Canadian Experience
International Graduate Entrepreneur
This program is for recent graduates of a Nova Scotia university or community college. The candidate must have started or bought a Nova Scotia business and operated it for at least a year.
For information and eligibility requirements: https://novascotiaimmigration.com/move-here/international-graduate-entrepreneur/
Nova Scotia Experience: Express Entry
To qualify for this program the applicants must have at least one year of experience working in NS in a high skilled occupation.
For information and eligibility requirements: https://novascotiaimmigration.com/move-here/nova-scotia-experience-express-entry/
Skilled workers in Manitoba
This immigration stream is locally driven and based on the needs of Manitoba employers. The province selects internationally trained and experienced workers who have the skills needed in the local labor market, and nominate them to receive Canadian permanent resident visas to settle and work in Manitoba.
Eligibility requirements: https://www.immigratemanitoba.com/immigrate-to-manitoba/swm/swm-eligiblity/
For information: http://www.immigratemanitoba.com/immigrate-to-manitoba/swm/
Critical Impact Workers
The Critical Impact Worker category helps employers fill shortages for entry-level jobs when they cannot find a Canadian candidate locally or nationally for a position.
To be eligible, foreign nationals must have worked fulltime in the same position with the employer for six months and be in good standing with the requirements of their temporary foreign work permit.
For information: https://www.immigratenwt.ca/en/critical-impact-worker
For eligibility requirements: https://www.immigratenwt.ca/en/critical-impact-worker-guidelines
A skilled worker in PEI
The candidate must be currently employed by the Island employer in order to qualify.
For information and eligibility requirements: https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/information/office-immigration/skilled-workers-pei
Saskatchewan experience- skilled worker with existing work permit
Generally speaking, this category is good for the candidates, who have been working in Saskatchewan for at least six months, with a valid work permit.
For information and eligibility requirements: https://www.saskatchewan.ca/residents/moving-to-saskatchewan/immigrating-to-saskatchewan/saskatchewan-immigrant-nominee-program/applicants-with-saskatchewan-experience/applicants-with-existing-work-permit
Semi-Skilled Agriculture worker with existing work permit
Generally speaking, this category is good for the semi-skilled candidates, who have been working in Saskatchewan for at least six months, with a valid work permit.
For information and eligibility requirements: https://www.saskatchewan.ca/residents/moving-to-saskatchewan/immigrating-to-saskatchewan/saskatchewan-immigrant-nominee-program/applicants-with-saskatchewan-experience/agriculture-worker
Health Professionals
This stream might be right for the candidates, who have been working full-time in Saskatchewan for at least six months, on a temporary work permit as a physician, nurse, or other health professional.
For information and eligibility requirements: https://www.saskatchewan.ca/residents/moving-to-saskatchewan/immigrating-to-saskatchewan/saskatchewan-immigrant-nominee-program/applicants-with-saskatchewan-experience/health-professionals
Hospitality sector Project
This sub-category is for foreign workers who want to apply for permanent residency and:
Are currently working in Saskatchewan on a temporary work permit;
Have been working with a SINP Hospitality-approved employer for a minimum of six months (960 hours); and
Are working in one of the following jobs:
Food/Beverage Server (NOC 6513)
Food Counter Attendant/Kitchen Helper (NOC 6711)
Housekeeping/Cleaning Staff (NOC 6731)
For information and eligibility requirements: https://www.saskatchewan.ca/residents/moving-to-saskatchewan/immigrating-to-saskatchewan/saskatchewan-immigrant-nominee-program/applicants-with-saskatchewan-experience/hospitality-sector-project.
Long- Haul Truck Drivers
To qualify for this program, the candidates must begin working for an approved trucking firm in Saskatchewan on a temporary foreign work permit.
If an approved trucking firm offers permanent employment, the trucker may apply to the SINP for permanent resident status after at least six months of employment.
For information and eligibility requirements: https://www.saskatchewan.ca/residents/moving-to-saskatchewan/immigrating-to-saskatchewan/saskatchewan-immigrant-nominee-program/applicants-with-saskatchewan-experience/long-haul-truck-driver-project